Thursday, 31 August 2017

Kindness poem

Hi guys

This week is all about your writing skills, your creative flair and your clever brain!

We are doing a 'concrete poem' based on something that Random Act of Kindness Day means to you.
Google some examples if you are not too sure but remember you shape should have something to do with kindness/compliments/appreciation.

Presented on paper by Thursday morning :)

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Explanation writing - Home Learning task

**Folder link with helpful bits and bobs! **

1. Here is your chance to write another wonderfully entertaining explanation.

2. Remember all of the work we have done on explanations in class - this is your 3rd one and it will be amazing.

3. The planning is due in to me next Thursday 10th August by the start of school. An adult needs to sign this beforehand. Share it with them, they may be able to help!

4. The finished product is due in to me by Thursday 17th August by the start of school. It can be typed and printed or it can all be done in your book. An adult needs to have checked over your work too.

5. Use the 'Explanation Checklist' and the 'Sentence Starters' in the linked folder above. I am expecting to see some diagrams and/or pictures in this explanation too.

6. See me before Thursday if you have any questions. Take your time. Plan it out and always ask yourself,
"Is this my best work?" 

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Home Learning - Term 3

Home Learning tasks for the week. Don't forget about the
-Pumping Station notices (nothing to return but make sure your parents know)
-Ski notices - discuss these at home & remember the booking system is available from Monday 31st July.

Have an awesome weekend. Stay warm & dry!

Thursday, 29 June 2017

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Home Learning tasks - Week 7

Talofa Lava everyone!

Remember it will be a super busy week with the visitors, ERO, in our school checking out how we are doing. You're amazing - so it's not like we need to make any changes. Make sure you are organised each morning with everything you need for the day.

A reminder that you need P.E gear on TUESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY.

Home Learning tasks for the week ahead:


Thursday, 1 June 2017

Home Learning tasks

Woohoo, what a success our Year 8 Market Day was!

Check out these photos. I will upload some more next week when you remind me!

Home Learning over the long weekend is to fill out the Market Day Self Reflection. Click on the writing to get started. Remember it should take some thought and time to answer. I would love honest reflections where you have really thought about the whole process. It has been 6 weeks of our classroom/home learning :)

Here is the spreadsheet of all of your Market Day info. Perhaps you would like to share (or boast about it) to your family at home. Our grand total given to World Vision was $41.10!

Enjoy the long weekend & make sure you are a great help at home!

Miss Watson

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Cross Country - next Wednesday

Heaton Cross Country 2017

This year, our Heaton Sports Leaders have designed the course and will be coordinating our school cross country. They will be responsible for the course set-up, pack up, marshalling duties, timing, and recording.
Students are required to run three laps of the Heaton course in a clockwise direction (heading north from the staring point onto the STAC football pitch)
Heaton Cross Country Map
Date: Wednesday 7th June 
Meeting Times and Organisaion:
Year groups are required to meet on the Heaton artificial cricket pitch. There will be clearly marked signs on the field that will outline where house and gender groups will need to wait . We would like all Yr.8 students to arrive promptly at 11:20am, so we can provide adequate preparation time for runners, and can stick to our race schedule. All Yr.7 students are required to meet at 1:35pm. Thank you very much to our specialist teachers for their flexibility during the middle block.
Race Times:
  • Year 8 Girls: 11:30am – 12:00pm
  • Year 8 Boys: 12:00pm – 12:30pm
  • Year 7 Girls: 1:45pm – 2:15pm
  • Year 7 Boys: 2:15pm – 2:45pm
Equipment Requirements:
  • Heaton PE kit
  • Drink Bottle
  • All relevant medication e.g. ventolin
  • A plastic bag for muddy shoes / kit
  • A change of socks (if applicable)
  • Your full school uniform to change back into
  • Something warm to put on pre/post race e.g. windbreaker
Heaton Shield: 
The Heaton cross country will be a shield event and your Sports Leaders will be updating the points structure to the blog on Friday.
Canterbury Aims Cross Country:
The top performers in the Heaton Cross Country will be invited to take part in the CAIMS Cross Country Championships, held at Halswell Quarry on Wednesday 21st June. Each school is restricted to entering 40 athletes total in this event, so make sure you give it your absolute all, and put yourself in the best possible position to be selected to represent our school.

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Miss Watson forgot...

Hi guys

I completely forgot to update the blog this week with your Home Learning...sorry!

The good news is that it was just to focus on your Inquiry work anyway. Lots of you have been meeting up after school to get your product/ideas/packaging all sorted, so I am feeling confident that you will have a successful day on Friday.

The other task was to look up facts about a successful business/company. Remember we started this task last week in the LRC. You don't need to complete any set task, you simply need to have researched and know a bit about a business of your choice.

Bring on Market Day on Friday!

Here's me forgetting to update the blog...

Saturday, 20 May 2017

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Kia ora Room 8!

Home Learning this week is full of tasks that are relevant and work alongside everything we are doing in class. Remember the tasks are all in your Home Learning books.

Cross Country Training Plan:

Complete the training plan each day when you run. Just run on the days that work for you & your family but remember the more training you get done, the easier the actual Cross Country will be. We are looking at holding the Cross Country in 1 or 2 weeks time.


Complete the geometry work in your maths book.


You should be reading in your own free time at home. I know you are busy young (wonderful) people so find something that you enjoy reading. This way it doesn't feel like work :)


You need to be using your own time to be working on the prototype. We will need these by Wednesday of this week. You may need to meet up in the weekend or after school as we have discussed. Remember the focus is on up-cycling, not on spending lots of money.

Any queries? See me before Thursday morning.

Have a wonderful week & be extra wonderful at home too!

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Term 2 - Home Learning & Comic Book Day

Hi everyone!

Here is the link to the Home Learning tasks this week. Remember to start your own Google Doc for the writing task and add it into the folder (the link to the folder is in this Doc that you are about to click on...)

Home Learning link - open me! 

Comic Book Day photos:

Open me for photos


Thursday, 9 March 2017

Home Learning - due Thursday 16th March

Hi everyone! Think about our Home Learning chat & have a read of the info below.

Reading comprehension - Reading Eggspress Round 2 

Use your log in to continue with your reading work. Remember it is at your level so as you work through, it will be specific to your needs and I will be able to see how you are doing.

We only have free access to Reading Eggs for this month, so let's make the most of it! Hopefully you have sent your username & password to yourself via email. See me on Monday if you haven't.
20 minutes at least 4 times this week. Try and get on it at least twice over the weekend.

Maths - you can choose between StudyLadder or Mathletics (only Live Mathletics is open to you)

Reminders for Week 7: 

- read over your Camp gear list. Start getting things together for camp next week

-use your time in class wisely. Make sure you're good to go each morning and that you are checking the purple note each morning when you come in

There will be other bits of home learning this week to do but they will come as the week goes on. I'll explain more on Monday

Have an awesome weekend. Be good & have fun!

Miss Watson

Pic of the week!

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Home Learning - Friday 3rd March

Reading comprehension - click on the picture

Use your log in to continue with your reading work. Remember it is at your level so as you work through, it will be specific to your needs and I will be able to see how you are doing.

We only have free access to Reading Eggs for this month, so let's make the most of it! Hopefully you have sent your username & password to yourself via email. See me on Monday if you haven't.

Maths (click on the picture)- choose from either: 


OR BOTH! The choice is yours :)

Week 6 reminders: 

  • Check over the Camp gear list with someone at home. Start checking that you have the correct gear or start borrowing  if you need it. 
  • Spelling 4 times - tested at home 
  • Maths - 20 mins at least 4 times a week 
  • Reading Comp online -20 mins at least 4 times a week 
In addition to this, get lots of sleep and come prepared to have awesome (and full on) days at school! 

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Home Learning - Friday 24th February

Inquiry / Literacy / Thinking task:
Click on this link & add in your opinion. Remember to craft full sentences and check it over before you leave it. Have a read of what other people are adding too - it may influence your opinion in some way!

Add to the Reading Log on Workspace. I'll be checking them at the end of this week.


Have a think about the rules & patterns we have been looking at in Algebra. Have a look at the photo above and think about what table you could draw out & how you could calculate the rule. 

Then go to and complete some of the first 5 Patterns and Algebra tasks. You must have 4/5 completed by Thursday. 

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Home Learning - Due Thursday 23rd February
Check the blog for more info

  • Spelling - tested at least 4 times at home
Words have gone home in a small notebook for the first time this week. Please be testing your young person and asking them to use the word in a sentence. We are trying to add these words into their wider vocabulary even if they can spell them already.

  • Algebra questions - show relevant working
We are just beginning our work on algebra in maths. You do not need to rewrite the exact question. Remember to show working though.

  • Inquiry interview - conduct the interview using the 5 questions. It can be done with any adult at home.
  • You can film it and upload it, or use a tool like to present the information. It is up to you!

Here's a quick look at wet day P.E/Sport in Room 8...

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Thursday, 9 February 2017

First Home Learning tasks on Workspace

Hi everyone

This is the very first time you will be using Workspace to complete your Home Learning tasks.

It would be great if you could show a parent or caregiver at home because we will be using this quite a bit. Remember you could describe it using the 'folder' explanation that we talked about in class :)

Link to Home Learning:

Reminders for the week ahead:

Monday 13th Feb - school photos. Look extra tidy and beautiful!

Tuesday 14th Feb - P.E gear

Wednesday 15th Feb- Specialist Subjects

Thursday 16th Feb - P.E gear

Friday 17th Feb - P.E gear

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Here's my letter...

Hi everyone

Here's the link to my letter as I know some of you wanted to use it as reference. Remember that I do not mind if you want to do it on paper or online. Just keep it exciting (more exciting than mine!) and I look forward to receiving them all by Wednesday morning.

Miss Watson's introduction letter

Have an awesome long weekend!

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Day 1 done!

Don't forget to open your email, give your parents your camp notice and also bring your P.E gear in the morning! :) 

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Room 17 begins in Room 8

Hi to everyone reading this blog. To have found this blog you must be a parent, caregiver or friend of a wonderful young person in Room 8. This blog will be the go-to place for information during the year. We will aim to post class highlights, including photos of all the fun things we have been up to. 

Please check the 'Room 8 Info' tab at the top for the latest information. I will aim to keep you informed through this link rather than via email. The school office will still send out the school newsletter via email as per usual. 

Under the 'Room 8 Info' tab is the first newsletter for the year from Purau House. Please have a read now because we have a full on year ahead! 

Looking forward to meeting you all later in the term!