Thursday, 9 March 2017

Home Learning - due Thursday 16th March

Hi everyone! Think about our Home Learning chat & have a read of the info below.

Reading comprehension - Reading Eggspress Round 2 

Use your log in to continue with your reading work. Remember it is at your level so as you work through, it will be specific to your needs and I will be able to see how you are doing.

We only have free access to Reading Eggs for this month, so let's make the most of it! Hopefully you have sent your username & password to yourself via email. See me on Monday if you haven't.
20 minutes at least 4 times this week. Try and get on it at least twice over the weekend.

Maths - you can choose between StudyLadder or Mathletics (only Live Mathletics is open to you)

Reminders for Week 7: 

- read over your Camp gear list. Start getting things together for camp next week

-use your time in class wisely. Make sure you're good to go each morning and that you are checking the purple note each morning when you come in

There will be other bits of home learning this week to do but they will come as the week goes on. I'll explain more on Monday

Have an awesome weekend. Be good & have fun!

Miss Watson

Pic of the week!

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Home Learning - Friday 3rd March

Reading comprehension - click on the picture

Use your log in to continue with your reading work. Remember it is at your level so as you work through, it will be specific to your needs and I will be able to see how you are doing.

We only have free access to Reading Eggs for this month, so let's make the most of it! Hopefully you have sent your username & password to yourself via email. See me on Monday if you haven't.

Maths (click on the picture)- choose from either: 


OR BOTH! The choice is yours :)

Week 6 reminders: 

  • Check over the Camp gear list with someone at home. Start checking that you have the correct gear or start borrowing  if you need it. 
  • Spelling 4 times - tested at home 
  • Maths - 20 mins at least 4 times a week 
  • Reading Comp online -20 mins at least 4 times a week 
In addition to this, get lots of sleep and come prepared to have awesome (and full on) days at school!