Thursday, 31 August 2017

Kindness poem

Hi guys

This week is all about your writing skills, your creative flair and your clever brain!

We are doing a 'concrete poem' based on something that Random Act of Kindness Day means to you.
Google some examples if you are not too sure but remember you shape should have something to do with kindness/compliments/appreciation.

Presented on paper by Thursday morning :)

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Explanation writing - Home Learning task

**Folder link with helpful bits and bobs! **

1. Here is your chance to write another wonderfully entertaining explanation.

2. Remember all of the work we have done on explanations in class - this is your 3rd one and it will be amazing.

3. The planning is due in to me next Thursday 10th August by the start of school. An adult needs to sign this beforehand. Share it with them, they may be able to help!

4. The finished product is due in to me by Thursday 17th August by the start of school. It can be typed and printed or it can all be done in your book. An adult needs to have checked over your work too.

5. Use the 'Explanation Checklist' and the 'Sentence Starters' in the linked folder above. I am expecting to see some diagrams and/or pictures in this explanation too.

6. See me before Thursday if you have any questions. Take your time. Plan it out and always ask yourself,
"Is this my best work?"